Sunday 23 October 2011

The beginning...

I've always wanted to blog.  I decided today to start... I was watching the new much music show -Awkward - this weekend and the main character is a blogger.   In the finale she ponders the destiny and if it is determined by chance or choice.  I thought about it for a long time today, asked a couple of friends their opinions, even read some articles online about it.  I still am undecided as to what I think the answer is.  However, it made me realize that if it is in fact determined by choice I'm going to need to start making some changes.  Blogging seemed like the right first step.  I use to journal but my brain works so quickly lately that it's often difficult to write it out fast enough, and the idea of stepping out of my comfort zone and risking people finding out who I truly am (as I am a very private person) is an appealing risk.  So my goal is to write an entry everyday for the next year.  There will be no hoping this time... I'm choosing to make this an awesome blog.  So stay tuned.